I'm back...


It's been a long hiatus, with lots going on in my life.... but I've never stopped writing.  I'm in Ada, OK at this moment, the seat of the Chickasaw Nation.  Tomorrow I'll be speaking to writers who want to learn about self-publishing.  It's such an honor to have been asked.  PLUS, it gives me an opportunity to talk up my newest book, The Missionary.  We are in final edit right now, so will have book news soon... as well as information on a special contest I'll be holding immediately before the book's official release.  Thanks for all your support and for hanging in there with me.  We'll talk again soon.  God bless.... xxo mag

Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-B...


A Marathon is just over 26 miles.  Twenty-six miles and 385 yards to be exact.  In the 1908 Olympics, it was extended from 26 miles by 385 yards so that the runners would run past the royal family's viewing box in the stadium.

Sometimes, writing is like running a marathon.  You start with great anticipation and grand dreams—with the intent of finishing; many times, with the goal of finishing first.  A writer begins slow and steady, sometimes, just like a runner.  Or we may burst from the gate like a racehorse eager to move to the front of the pack.  Then the pace steadies as we find a comfortable stride; one we hope we can maintain and continue for as long as possible until we must jog toward the finish line.  

I'm 26.2K words into this marathon.  A third of the way through.  I've found my stride, and I'm hoping to maintain it until I must push for the end.  The last three books I wrote, which also happened to be my first three, all ended differently than originally intended; than originally written.  I know how I want this one to end, but the endings are always character driven, so we'll see where it leads.  Either way, the goal is to finish, and finish strong.  I don't expect to be first, although it would be nice. However, I will finish.  And, as with every runner, that's victory enough for me.

God bless... xxo mag

Working on the first book in a series...

Some of my favorite authors are Lee Child, David Baldacci, James Patterson and Harlan Coben, to start.   I love following characters from book to book, and I love suspense and drama as much as I love a good romance.  I built up to those three things in Destiny by chance.

Now I've created a character that will live on in many books.   He'll get his own series, but each will be a stand-alone book.   Here's a little taste...   

The Guard Series:  Rogue Soldier

Book One  The Missionary

There’s just one more mission before Eddie can go home.  Except the intel is wrong, his team is ambushed.  He’s the only survivor.  Only, no one knows he’s alive.

Mary Beth lives in a quiet mountain village deep in the heart of Afghanistan, the only nurse for fifty miles.  When a wounded American soldier is laid at her feet, near death, what is she to do?

Can the peaceful heart of a missionary heal the turbulent heart of a rogue soldier eager to fight his way out?  Or will his heart remain in the mountains of Afghanistan with hers, forever?

Writing from Seattle

It's such a beautiful city with so much to see.  New stories surround me, everywhere I look... in the homeless man standing on the corner holding a sign, with one last hope to be seen as a human being rather than something less... the woman who steps off the train, eager to meet someone she just met, in a place where they shouldn't be... the cashier at the Red Apple Market who dreams of being something more... the teenager with wild eyes and a hungry heart for his parents understanding.  Everywhere I look there's a story to be told.  My imagination will travel as far and my fingers as fast, as I dare them to go.  I only hope I can tell them all before it's my time to go...  God bless... xxo mag

Struggling for Balance

Every day since I began writing again, I have struggled for balance.  It's not like I have two kids at home anymore, or a full-time job, but when I write, that's all I want to do.  I have to set my alarm to remember to pick up my grandkids because I don't want to forget them or pick them up late because I'm on a roll writing.  I actually make lists, but I'm going to have to go back to the wheel that I used to use from SMI, Success Motivational, Inc., created by the late Paul J. Meyer.  One of the sayings he coined was, "Productivity is never an accident.  It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort."  I realize that I've been too scattered, most recently writing my next novel, which will be book one of a series.  I've started writing four of them simultaneously, and I find that I'm not as productive or focused.  So, here's to those of you who have it all together!  I'm still working on it!

Destiny by chance LIVE on Amazon

Three books in six months!  Who knew?!  I'm so excited that Destiny is now live on Amazon.  We will be sending our official announcement out soon with details about a contest we're running to receive all THREE of my books, Meeting Melissa, Letters from Becca and Destiny by chance, autographed.  If you haven't already done so, please subscribe on this website to receive our quarterly e-mails.  We'd love to let you know what we're up to.  We'd love to let you know what's next!  Thanks so much for your support and for downloading and reviewing.  I hope you keep sharing my stories with your friends and families.  God bless... xxo mag