My Bucket List

Recently, Bryan and I celebrated our 40th Anniversary by taking a cruise to Alaska. Best trip ever! We crossed off several items on both our bucket lists, things we never thought we’d see in a lifetime. Icebergs freshly calved from massive glaciers. Pods of Humpback whales and Orcas. (Although we didn’t see more than their sprays, find or occasional tails, it was incredible to be so close and see them in their natural habitat.) And, rarely, are the Northern Lights seen so far south as Juneau, but we saw them. Spectacular! And, then, the most beautiful sight was seeing bald eagles—yes, I said eagles, as in plural. Flying unhindered around us, feeding in the dunes, and perched on lampposts, as plentiful as the annoying grackles here in Texas. And for a writer to say it’s indescribable, well—that’s description enough.